Thursday, April 29, 2010
"I can smell a lazy bugger miles from here!!!"
So today, I couldn't keep quiet any longer and decided to ask three of the coursemates who were standing talking about the weather to help up and making sure the rest of the kitchen are clean. Obviously, the mother hen became defensive and lashes out on me. Poor me, with soapy hands and dirty dishes in the basin had to listen to her screams. So I decided to target her as the main culprit. Reasons being, she's the oldest of the bunch and you thought she would have some sense of responsibility. And, I felt she's the one who's wasting everyone's focus when she continuosly talking rubbish.
The drama went straight to the main chef. I was at fault because I did not make a complaint first...duh! But, I am not a back-stabber. If I am not happy with someone's work ethics and attitude, I will tell her/him straight in the face!
Well, immediately a meeting was held and I was requested to explain the drama from my side of the story. I told everyone exactly what happened (as I remembered) and agreed that a work schedule is important for everyone. Obviously, she was not happy because in the end my motive was genuine which is to make sure everyone's treated fairly and was given equal workload.
As we came to a solution to work according to a work schedule, she again bursted "I will not work with Brandon!"..."you're full of shit"..."stop your charade"... Well, I do not want to work with you either and do not start cursing or name-calling coz you will be surprised the words that will come out from my mouth when I am pissed. She demanded that I apologise to her which I quickly replied "Never!" and accused me of no self respect. Erm...dearie, self respect means you respect others NOT just please check the dictionary before you even use a word bigger than yourself...Surprisingly throughout the whole drama, I was very very calm...
In the end, sadly my cookies were burnt, lost a knife, everyone had a stressful day and I was pissed with myself to get into such mess. Sigh...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Cookie Monster

Friday, April 23, 2010
Mary's bathed, sponged and creamed...
Genoise Sponge Cake
*recipe is for ONE cake.
- Eggs.............................. 280gm (approx. 5-6 medium sized eggs)
- Sugar.............................180gm
- Flour...............................180gm
- Butter (melted).............. 60gm
- Vanilla essence............ a few drops
- Set the oven at 190 degrees Celcius
- Mix eggs, sugar and vanilla. Whisk over a "bain-marie" to approx. 60 degrees. This is noticeable when mixture starts to increase in volume.
- Transfer to a mixer and whip till "ribbon stage" mixture forms layers of ribbon-like strings when lifted with a wooden spoon.
- Remove mixer bowl and starts to fold in flour, follows by melted butter. Stir in gradually but no too long as air cells created during the mixing will be lost if stirred too long.
- Pour batter into cake tin greased with butter & floured. An alternative will be a baking paper cut to shape and place in the bottom of the cake tin.
- Bake for 30 mins.
- Poke in tester. The cake is cooked if it comes out clean and dry.
- Softly tap the middle part. The cake is cooked if the part tapped does not sink in.
- Topping Cream which we used today is sweetened, non dairy (vegetable extracts) and more stable than the Whiping Cream.
- Whiping Cream is unsweetened, dairy (cow's fat) and less stable towards heat.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Fruits and "nuts"

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Late Bloomer or Simply Wiser?
Two months had passed since I quit my job in Shanghai. One of the first things that came into my mind was "What now?..." I read an article recently which stated that when one is lost about what to do next with their lives, he/she should look back and figure out what they were good at or interested in when they were young...
So I made two short lists, limiting to just 5 each (based on personal evaluation).
Things I am good at:
1. sketching
2. baking
3. cooking
4. poetry
5. organising
Things I am interested in:
1. baking
2. photography
3. writing
4. painting
5. gardening
After thinking over and some researches on the net, I finally made up my mind to take up a one-year diploma course in pastry hence the blog's title :)
Am I a late bloomer? Maybe. I started many things in my life much later than most. The creation of this blog is just one of them. And enrolling into a pastry school is another. There are millions of blogs like this one in the virtual space and I just started one myself. Probably because I was never good at recording anything or maybe I felt like I got something to say to the world finally.
At this point of my life, I want to learn a skill. So far, I've equipped myself with extensive education. While I made decent money previously, I always feel empty in the skill department.
Am I simply wiser? Definately. By the time you hit 30s, your body will tell you that it is time to wise up. Stop doing things that will hurt your mind and soul. Making careful steps and to spend wisely. While this course will burn a huge hole in my bank account, I know that it will worth every cent spent. I knew I will be thrown in with a bunch of school leavers during this course. I hope I won't be singled out as an old fart who just a wannabe pastry chef.