Thursday, May 20, 2010

Breadtime Stories

There are lots to digest when it comes to bread making. However, after the whole week working with Mr Yeast and Miss Gluten, they are not as intimidating as anticipated. Personally, I find bread dough is much easier to work with but a good understanding of each step and ability to identify when the dough is ready are important. We made numerous recipes but here is the one in particular that I prefer because of its flexibility in shape and filling.

Sweet Bun
Don't let the name fools you. The dough is sweet but it is not just a 'bun'. It is the most used dough in bakeries. So, this is the same dough that you can mould and shape into any design preferred. There's a straighforward method and there's the sponge method. The straightforward method is similar to my previous post whereby, once a dough is fermented for 30-45mins, it is ready to bake after make up and proofing. The sponge method involves, bulk fermentation for 4-5 hours (overnight preferred) and add into fresh dough bits by bits followed by make up and proofing. This mixture of sponge dough allows better fermentation thus, produces more aroma and taste as well as a softer texture on the baked products.

Set temperature at 200 degrees C.
Bread flour...............................................................400g
Dry yeast.................................................................7g
Cold water..............................................................180g (+/- 10g) depends on the dough
Butter.......................................................................24g (cut to small cubes)
Bread softener........................................................4g
Bread improver.......................................................3g
  1. Mix all dry ingredients together (speed 1).
  2. While mixing, slowly add in water follow by eggs.
  3. Finally, add in butter and mix until smooth and do the windowpane test.
  4. When it is ready, allow to rest for 20-30mins (covered with cling film and warm surrounding).
  5. Once the dough increases in size (double), put the dough on a clean surface and do knocking down.
  6. Cut into smaller portion of 60g each. Round and let it benching while covered in cling film/damp cloth to avoid drying.
  7. Here's the fun part. You can use all kinds of filling, either sweet (bean paste, sugar, coconut bits) or savoury (tuna paste, sausages, cheese). And, lots of shapes and designs to try.
  8. Remember to do proofing and once ready, brush egg wash and bake for 15-20mins or until golden brown.
sausage butterfly:
sausage roll:
tuna bun:

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